Monday, June 10, 2013

It's Over.

  Freshman year is over.  I just want to look back and see what I've accomplished.  List time!  ( I love lists)
1. A in both semesters of math.  Take that you mofo Ms. W!
2. Some newish friends.  Or at least friends that have been there but now I just noticed.
3. Tolerance of the English teacher.  This was very hard but I managed to do it.  And get an A on my final.  Not sure about the final grade, though.
4. Over 1000 followers total on the infinite fake instagram accounts I have created.
5. I didn't gain any weight.  With my tendencies of over-eating....I suppose this is an accomplishment.  And no I am no bulimic, if that's what you're thinking!!!!
6. I turned 15 in February, I actually made it.
7. Read Shakespeare and owned the freaking $hit...
8. Got asked out by a 7th grader and said no.
9. Visited Virginia, the state that sounds like vagina and got in trouble from my aunts for saying that.
10. Made it out alive.

I can be really negative, so it's nice to look at the bright side of things.  But my freshman year wasn't kitties and rainbows.  Far from it actually.  I was dealt a bad hand of teachers, had to deal with fake and plastic friends, listen to them bitch and moan, get shoved into walls, lockers and sharp things, made several trips to the nurses, principals and counselor a offices, feel alone, feel crappy, feel stupid, feel lots of things that I shouldn't, almost hit by cars, made fun of and a bunch of things that honestly do not do any good.  I'm just glad it's summer, so I don't have to worry about it all.  Let the tanning, swimming and vacationing begin.

Farewell for now dawgs,

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